Saturday, April 24, 2010


Our church had a rummage sale this morning. By the time we got there most of the things were gone but there was a huge selection of plants that were going pretty cheap! I looked through them and saw some nice plants but nothing that really fit my fancy. As I got to the end though, I saw a sign for "berry bushes". I started to ask around to find out exactly what kind of berries these bushes would produce. I kept getting answers like "hmmmmmmm".

We got it narrowed down to either blueberries or blackberries and, since I like both of those, and the big bush was only three dollars, I decided to buy it. I'm going to plant it in a container since berries tend to take over underground and can monopolize space other plants may need. Mel's book advises building a 2 x 2 box and using it only for berries--one type of berry per box. Neither Dave or I want to build another box--that was exciting enough the first time--so we're just going to use a big pot. I'll put some rocks in the bottom so the soil doesn't get moldy and cause problems for the roots and then I think I'll make up a little of Mel's mix if I can find the right "ingredients". I'll probably need some type of structure for it to climb up as well.

I'm not exactly sure what will grow from this plant but hopefully it will be some type of yummy, delicious berry. Hmmmmm....we shall see!


  1. MMmmmmmm.... Think all the lovely tarts and fresh berries you will have :)

    As for what it is, ff it's a bush, it's probably blueberries. Blackberries grow on brambles. If you post a picture of the plant, I bet that someone can tell you for sure what it is. Here's a link to a study by Colorado State University about the best kind of potting mix to use for blueberries.

  2. Ooppps. Forgot the link.

  3. I am definitely thinking of the yummy baking possibilities! If it is a blueberry bush I could do lemon curd filled tarts topped with blueberries....or blueberry muffins....or, if it's blackberries.....lemon curd filled tarts topped with blackberries (can you tell I LOVE lemon curd :)) or a blackberry cobbler......YUMMY!!!
