Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Plan

We're starting a square-foot garden. Neither Dave or I have EVER gardened before. I'm not sure what the opposite of a green thumb is but whatever it is, that's what I've got. Brown-dead-plant thumb maybe? Dave's mom gave us a philodendron plant for our was given to her when Dave was born. I killed it. So, needless to say, this should be an interesting experiment!
We made a list of veggies we love to eat and got lots of magazines. (We're the kind of people who can't do anything without researching the heck out of it first!) This year we're doing mostly transplants. Since we're beginning gardeners we though it'd be best to start with some of the work already done. We've built our boxes and filled them up with dirt. Now all that's left is waiting for it to be warm enough to start planting!
Wish us luck!!


  1. Fun! I can't wait to see how your garden grows.

  2. I love that you started a blog! :) Looking forward to keeping up with you.
